How Can I Participate? 如何参加

Lantern Burn is not run by an organization, it is run by YOU! We are a collaboration of the collective and we need your help to make Lantern Burn happen. You can do anything you want to help make this event more of a success. If you’re unsure how to participate then check out some ideas below first to help get you started. Once you’ve decided, If you would like to participate with music, contribute some art, do a performance or run a workshop for Lantern Burn then fill out our Participation Form. If you are interested in leading and organizing a theme camp for Lantern Burn then fill out our Theme Camp Form. Finally, if you would like to help out in one of our volunteer groups for Lantern Burn then fill out our Volunteer Form. No by-standers! Participate!

Ways to participate include 參與的方式包括:
  • Help out in one of our volunteer groups 參與我們志工團隊一起幫忙
  • Make and/or bring some art 製作或是帶些藝術作品過來
  • DJ some tunes 擔任音樂DJ
  • Give a performance 帶來表演
  • Run a Theme Camp 經營主題營隊
  • Lead a Workshop 帶領工作坊
  • Make and/or bring some food and drinks to share 製作或是帶些食物和飲料與人分享

For more detailed information on the suggestions above, click on one of the desired web page links from the participation drop down menu.