
Lantern Burn

October 7th-10th, 2023


Inspiration 靈感

Lantern Burn is inspired by Burning Man and its 10 Principles.

Our goal is to foster Burning Man culture and community in Taiwan. We are in the process of applying for official regional event status and hope to update with news soon about being Taiwan’s first official Regional Burn.

The Venue 活動場地

We will be camping at a private campground in the mountains of Jiaoxi, Yilan, with a breathtaking view overlooking the ocean. This is a fully booked private campsite that we will share with a sweet family: the owner, his wife, son, daughter and affectionate dog named “Guru.” They have been excited to learn more about Burner culture and are enthusiastically preparing as well. The owners go to bed early, so noise will need to be light near their home from 11:00 pm to 7:00 am.
我們將會在礁溪宜蘭山區的一個私人營區露營,那裏可以欣賞海洋壯麗景色。這個場地已經被我們包下來,我們將會與這裡的主人、他的太太、他的孩子還有他們的狗一起享受這片土地,他們一家人對火人祭的文化非常感興趣,也積極的開始準備禮物分享給大家。場地主人很早就休息了,我們在晚上 11 點至早上 7 點這段時間會把他們家附近的噪音降到最低。

Location 地點

Fir Forest Miracle Campground in Jiaoxi, Yilan
杉林奇蹟露營區 – 宜蘭縣礁溪鄉瓠崙村杉林奇蹟
Google Maps Location
Contact: 0988 253 940

The venue provides 場地提供了:

  • Potable water 可飲用的水
  • Hot showers 熱水澡
  • Sinks 洗手台
  • Toilets 沖水馬桶
  • Electrical outlets 充電插座
  • Public lights 公共照明
  • Parking 停車位
  • Hair Dryers 推風機
  • Western-style toilets 西式馬桶

Transportation Guide 交通指南

Direct to site by car or scooter 直接到場地自行開車騎摩托車:
Consider carpooling with other participants or if scootering, finding someone to take your gear up in a car or van. Have an extra seat in your car? Offer to bring someone along! Parking spots are limited to about 20 spaces, and are allotted on a first-come, first-reserved basis.

Charter a vehicle 包車 :
1) Charter Vehicles via Edison Tours 通過宏祥旅行社的包車
Available all over Taiwan from small taxis to 18+ person vehicles. Contact Mr. Yang for English and Chinese reservations either via email or phone +886-2-2563-5313 #121
從小型出租車到18人以上的車輛,在台灣各地均可使用。 可以通過電子郵件或致電+ 886-2-2563-5313#121與楊先生聯繫,以獲取中英文預訂。

2) Charter Vehicles via Tripool 通過Tripool的包車
From Taipei to Jiaoxi and back; multiple car and van sizes available(往返台北礁溪;可提供多種汽車和廂型車做選擇)

3) Charter Vehicles via ilancar 通過ilancar的包車
From Jiaoxi to/from site; multiple car, van, and bus sizes available. Chinese only. We have previously used and have good standing with Mr. Hu, whom you can contact on WeChat with the following number: 0937-157-747. Due to the Holiday weekend, book at least two days in advance!!!

Arrive in Jiaoxi then transfer to site 先到礁溪,再轉到場地
Bus or Train to Jiaoxi 公車或火車:
Buses from Taipei to Jiaoxi (Capital Star or Kamalan) leave from several locations in Taipei and cost less than NT $150. Take a train to Jiaoxi Station.

Taxi 叫計程車:
The route to the site is rough on cars, so some drivers will not make the drive, charge extra, or even refuse to finish the route. Hail at your own risk!!! If you do get a reliable driver, take a business card, coordinate your ride back, and share the information with organizers.

Self-Reliance 竭力自力更生

You will need 妳將需要:

  • Tent, bedding, eating and cooking utensils. 帳篷、床具、吃煮用的餐具。
  • Trash bags! This is a Leave No Trace event. Pack it in; pack it out. Leave no cigarette butts. The owner carries all trash down the mountain in his truck. Don’t burden his family. Take responsibility. 垃圾袋!這是一個堅守無痕環境的活動,帶進來的東西都要自己帶出去,不要把煙頭扔棄在地上。營區的主人必須要自己開車把垃圾帶下山,拿出妳的責任心,不要讓妳製造的垃圾造成他的負擔。
  • Flashlight/headlamp/lantern/fairy lights. 手電筒、頭燈、燈籠、或是小彩燈。
  • Suitable clothing and equipment to wear on the mountain. 適合在山上穿的衣服和設備 。
  • Enough food for four days. This is a very isolated campsite. It will not be possible to buy anything. You’re welcome to bring extra to gift. 足夠吃四天的食物 。這是一個非常偏僻的營區,沒有辦法買任何的東西,妳也可以帶多餘的食物來跟別人分享。
  • For a more detailed list of Essentials and What Not To Bring, see our What to Bring page. 更詳細的生存物資及不可以帶的資訊,參考生存準備。

We recommend bringing 我們推薦妳帶:

  • Costumes 奇裝異服 – Potential costume themes to consider coordinating as a camp: cosplay, art deco, superhero, under-the-sea, 80s prom night, tutu, white, royalty, etc.
  • Gifts 禮物
  • A thick ground cover to sleep on. The ground is coated with rocks to protect the campsites from mud, which works wonderfully but makes for a very uncomfortable sleeping surface. An air mattress is highly recommended.
    一片厚的布鋪在地上讓睡覺品質更好 – 營地上鋪滿了碎石以防止泥土弄髒妳的鞋子,這個方式很有效,但讓睡在地上的人會很不舒服,我們推薦帶空氣床來睡。
  • Things to play with: musical instruments, fire poi, whatever you’re into that you can share.
    可以拿來表演的器材: 例如樂器、火舞球、任何妳喜歡而且可以娛樂大家的東西
  • Swimsuit 泳衣
  • First-Aid Kit 急救包
  • Pads, Tampons and/or Condoms. 衛生棉/幫條、保險套
  • Insect repellant and/or itch relief cream. 防蚊液 、蚊叮止痕膏

Camping Supplies 露營器具

We have found some camping supply rental companies 我們找到了幾個露營器材的出租公司 :

  • Fir Forest Miracle Camping (宜蘭 Yilan)
    Google Maps Location
    杉林奇蹟露營區 – 0988 253 940
    The campsite has three 8 person tents available for rent (NT $800 for 2 nights and NT $900 for 3 nights) as well as 10 air single air mattresses for NT $200 for 2 nights and NT $250 for 3 nights. First come, first serve. 山林奇蹟露營區有8人帳篷(共三個,費用兩夜800元、三夜900元)及單人充氣床墊(共十個,費用兩夜200元、三夜250元)。
  • Outdoor Gear Camp 戶外家
    价格表 / Price List
    Google Maps Location
    100台北市中正區泉州街69號1樓 0223 331 682
  • Bicycle Hill 裝備家 出租帳篷露營登山溯溪浮潛裝備
    价格表 / Price List
    Google Maps Location
    103台北市大同區民族西路81號 0225 912 755
  • Mansion Forest Outdoor Rentals 公館森林戶外用品出租
    价格表 / Price List
    Google Maps Location
    台北市羅斯福路6段109號 02-8931-8886

If looking for rental places near you, google ‘tent rental service’ and if available, some should appear. Please remember it is the individual’s responsibility to order, collect, transport and return all rented equipment. If you have or find additional resources, please share it with the community.
查找“帳篷租借服務”以查找您所在地區的其他服務出租地點。請記得,每個人有責任自己訂購、取貨、運送、並且歸還所有租來的器材。 已收悉或另找到其他出租公司,請告訴我們。

Gifting 無私餽贈

Burner events operate on a gift economy. Gifts can range from the extreme (spending all year brewing enough absinthe to run a bar for a week) to the simple (a beer). Many people misunderstand this and think it is a barter system. It’s not. Gifts are given unconditionally, with no expectation of anything in exchange.

Gifts might include 贈與的項目可以是 :

  • Portable ashtrays (upcycled mint tins) 可隨身攜帶的煙灰盒 (回收利用口香糖罐)
  • Coffee 咖啡
  • Trinkets or souvenirs 飾品或紀念品
  • S’mores 烤棉花糖
  • Breakfast 早餐
  • Repairs 工具修繕
  • Massages 按摩
  • Tarot readings 塔羅牌占卜
  • Body painting 身體彩繪
  • Workshops 工作坊
  • Performances 表演
  • Volunteering 志願服務

Theme Camps 主題營

Theme camps are a big part of what makes Burner events so special. Groups of friends or strangers camp together and pool resources to create a space that encourages social interaction. Theme camps may register for ideal placement and inclusion via the Lantern Burn guide (online and in print). Registration form coming soon!

Here are some ideas for bringing strangers together 以下是將陌生人聚集在一起的一些方法:

  • Drinks: be a bar! 提供飲料:做個酒吧!
  • Coffee 咖啡
  • Yoga 提供瑜珈墊
  • Chess or other board games 擺上棋盤或其他桌遊
  • Music 音樂
  • Fire 火
  • Food 食物
  • Gum or Candy 提供口香糖或糖果
  • Toys or Stickers 玩具或貼紙
  • Hand crafted art 手工藝術

Workshops 工作坊

Workshops will run all day in a communal space or any space of your choosing. You’re welcome to come teach a workshop on anything. Workshops can be scheduled beforehand to reserve particular spaces and to be included in the official Lantern Burn guide, but there will be some flexibility at the event. Registration form coming soon!

Some past workshops we’ve seen include 工作坊例如包括:

  • Poetry 詩詞朗讀
  • Making pasties 製作點心
  • Figure Drawing 人體畫
  • Puppets 木偶
  • Communal Mural Painting 壁畫藝術
  • Handmade Ice Cream 手工冰淇淋
  • Beer Yoga 啤酒瑜珈
  • Modeling 模特兒表演
  • Dance Movement 舞動治療
  • And more!