As with all 10 Principle events, this is a Leave No Trace event. This means we leave the venue in a better condition than we found it, and be prepared to pack out everything you brought in and more if necessary.  Bring your own trash bags to take home. It isn’t easy being green. We encourage everyone to have a sustainable eco-friendly burn. Reusable products are a Burner’s friend. Please, no glow sticks, styrofoam, glass, or single-use plastic packaged products. Pack your food conscientiously to reduce the amount of trash you will create. Suggested foods: Cereal, mac n cheese, cold cuts, rice, fruit, salads, nuts, pizza, sandwiches, peeled boiled eggs, pickles. Be a a good neighbor and bring some to share!

No Trash Left Behind

Trash bags are a burner’s best gift! Bring bags for you, friends, and neighbors. Clean your camp area and keep your trash sorted. Work with your neighbors to create a community recycling strategy. Lead by example- it may not be your trash, but that’s okay. Love thy neighbor and clean up after them, and they will do the same for you. SMOKERS- we love you, so please have a metal tin on you at all times to collect your cigarette butts. The only butts on the floor should be your cushy butt sitting and relaxing in the grass all weekend! DON’T USE THE LAND AS A TOILET! Your poop and pee is M.O.O.P. The event site is small and we intend to avoid pests, bad smells, and possible illness. Out of respect for the environment, and your fellow Burners, please find a toilet. We are serious, DO NOT DO IT!
垃圾袋是對燒客的最有用的禮物,帶上足夠的垃圾袋分享給朋友及鄰居們。保持你的營地整潔,並合理擺放營地垃圾。與鄰居合作,爭取創造一個綠色環保的小社團。比如:這可能不是你丟的垃圾,但是不要緊,撿起來就好了。當別人看到你隨手撿垃圾的這個動作,也會感染到大家的。吸煙的朋友們,我們愛你,但請確保你始終隨身攜帶一個迷你煙缸,蒐集所有的煙頭。整片草地應該只為你的屁股服務,而不是煙頭或垃圾。 不要把草地當作廁所!你的尿液及便便也都是不屬於這個地方的東西。活動場地很小,我們希望能夠盡可能的避免任何害蟲,臭味及潛在的病菌疾病。也是出於對環境的尊重,我親愛的燒客朋友們,找個廁所吧!我們是很認真嚴肅的!不要隨地大小便!