Volunteering at Lantern Burn 在燃燈焱的義工服務 

Your help is needed to make Lantern Burn run smoothly. Lantern Burn is a non-profit, volunteer run effort. It takes a lot of work from a lot of amazing people to make this event work and we always appreciate any help we can get. If you’re not sure what you can do but would like to help, consider giving some of your time and talent by signing up for one or more of the following volunteer jobs below. You can apply to volunteer HERE!

    • Gate Keepers 守衛者 – Gatekeepers are the front door and face of Lantern Burn. You will be in charge of stopping vehicles as they arrive for a quick welcome, checking everyone’s tickets and pointing participants in the right direction for parking and/or shuttle drop off. Gatekeepers must be firm but polite in case of any non-ticket holders or potential sneak-ins and turn away anyone who doesn’t have a ticket back down the mountain. Two or more people will work together for 4-hour shifts.

    • Greeters 迎賓員 – While the Gate will check your ticket, Greeters will welcome you home and into the community. This is where you’ll learn where things are, get your map and learn more about the 10 principles.
      在入口核對完姓名、確認活動票券後,迎賓員將指引您進入本次活動社群中、歡迎您回家。關於各樣事物的空間配置、現地地圖、以及有關火人社群10 條原則,迎賓員很樂意提供資訊以及回覆您相關問題。

    • Medical Squad 醫護隊 – The medical squad is readily available to take care of any minor wounds or injuries while also keeping track of our medical kit. In case of a real emergency, you may need to accompany the injured person to the hospital. People holding a valid Taiwan driver’s license are encouraged. You will be on-call for 8-hour shifts.

    • Leave No Trace 不留痕跡 – Also known as just LNT, Leave No Trace means exactly what it sounds like. However, while everyone is trying their best to abide by Leave No Trace, sometimes bits and pieces of trash can be forgotten or overlooked. LNT volunteers will be in charge of walking the campsite and giving friendly reminders to burners to clean up after themselves. You will also pick up any MOOP (Matter Out Of Place) you see yourself such as cigarette butts or food scraps and occasionally change out trash bags when cans become full. You will also be in charge of turning on/off camp lights and checking that our bathrooms are stocked with bum wipe. You will work in pairs for 4-hour shifts.

    • Khaki 卡其 – Khaki is triage and dispatch. We are the information keepers/general help desk for volunteers. On the radios, not every situation is a Rangers situation. Call on Khaki to triage who to call on. It might be a medical/rangers/green dot (sober sitting/psychological/etc.) situation or a combination of multiple groups. Khaki also logs all situations, partly as cover for our asses , but also as a ‘how can we do this better next time’? Lastly, we help others know when they are on shift, if there’s an open shift to fill, or connect volunteers to their correct lead.
      「卡其」負責分類和調度,是資訊管理與協助志工的窗口。活動中仰賴對講機來做即時溝通,然而並非每一件事務都適合交由巡邏員處理;這時就可以呼叫「卡其」來評估哪個角色適合前往支援:或許是醫護組/ 巡邏員/ 綠點(精神狀態為清醒、心理專業相關者… 等)適合接手,或是多角色合力接手。卡其需要記錄下所有發生的情況與實際應對,作為未來活動如何能做得更好的提醒與準備。最後,卡其協助志工輪班的時段,若遇有空缺需要人力支援時,就將志工與該小組負責人聯繫上。

    • Mercenaries 僱傭兵 – Mercenaries work under Khaki to help with quick situations that require an extra set of hands. When other volunteer crews (especially Gate, Greeters, and Placement) need an extra set of hands, a bathroom break, food, water bottle refill, etc. They call Khaki to send a Mercenary for short term extra help! 
      「僱傭兵」在卡其手下工作,在緊急狀況時成為助力。 當其他志工(尤其是報到守衛組、迎賓組、及空間規劃組)因故暫離崗位、或需要食物與飲水補給時,只需要呼叫卡其,就能獲得僱傭兵的指派支!